Friday, August 03, 2007

busy busy and ANOTHER publication day…

Lovely day yesterday. Started by doing the proofs for The Doctor’s Royal Love Child (very few changes, couple of typos and one where the copyeditor had changed something and got it wrong… I tend to leave changes if they don’t leap out at me, but if they do I ask why and offer an alternative). DH started driving us to the city and we were about a mile down the road when I realised I’d forgotten my book – the one I spent a while with along with sticky-note page markers last night because I guessed I’d be asked about big floods and page markers were the best way of picking out the big ones in January and August. (Just as an aside… the freak weather we’ve experienced is actually not that freak if you look back over the last 1,000 years.) So back home we went to collect it; DH dropped me outside the Forum while he went to park and get cinema tickets. Had a great time with Nicky Barnes on BBC Radio Norfolk talking about the Norfolk Almanac of Disasters. Shame we couldn’t do a giveaway but local radio has been hit by the phone-in scandals - which is so sad because local radio shows don’t fix things. I’ve been behind the scenes and everyone who calls in is logged, and it’s a great way for local people to win local prizes which they actually want and… grrr to the greedy minority who’ve wrecked things for the genuine majority.

On the way to meet DH and the kids after the slot, I discovered that the August M&Bs are on the shelf. So here am I, with The Italian GP's Bride, sandwiched between two very good friends of mine – Margaret McDonagh and Maggie Kingsley.

Met up with DH and the kids; the latter ran to meet me and gave me a huge hug – nice that they missed me as I was only out for an hour. Because we had time to fill before the cinema, we nipped into the castle (yup, we have museum passes) and I took a couple of shots for the new book.

The Simpsons Movie had some good (and clever) jokes but, as DH said afterwards, 30 minutes is quite long enough. On the way out we spied this sofa. And as I had my luvverly new camera with me… I couldn't resist taking the pic on the left. Then home to sneak in some work before visiting DH’s brother – took Ruby (their Viszla) for a walk and it was hysterical, with my niece creeping along, my daughter following, and Ruby stalking them until they stopped, then pointing until they threw her toy. Wish I’d had the camera with me! Also met this beautiful four-month-old Springer called Marbles and went a bit (OK, a lot) broody, but DH is not budging on the puppy campaign. (The walk meant my step count for the day was a little over 14k, so am pleased with self.)

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