Monday, February 28, 2011

in search of snowdrops

Current work: new Riva
Listening to: Keith Urban
Reading: Michelle Styles, Breaking the Governess’s Rules (enjoying because Michelle’s books are always reliable – properly researched and strong heroines)

I had this great idea to go on a snowdrop walk, this weekend. We even had nice weather for it. Except… I got the lurgy and basically spent the weekend on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket and with a canine hot water bottle (not to mention hot lemon with paracetamol).

So, instead of the pics I planned to post today (because I didn’t actually leave the house to take them), here are some of the lovely tulips that bestest cousin gave me as part of my birthday pressie. (It was a whole armful and needed two big vases – and they lasted for AGES. Glorious.)

Today is back to normal. Sort of. I think I’ve figured out what my department store looks like (in its new location). The hero’s name definitely needs to change, but for now I will press on with the current one – the right one will come in its own sweet time :o)


Anonymous said...

Oh no - poor you. Hope that you feel better soon. x

Nell Dixon said...

Hope you feel better soon

Lacey Devlin said...

Aren't those tulips gorgeous!

Get well soon!