Wednesday, February 02, 2011

nice things come in threes

Current work: playing with outlines/ a bit of research
Listening to: Mark Knopfler, Golden Heart
Reading: next on TBR

Had a really lovely guitar lesson yesterday – we skipped the Bach pieces (which I hadn’t practised, cough) and Jim got me doing Darling Pretty (which has a lovely melody and chords). And then we did Romeo and Juliet (transposed into C as it’s easier to play) and he did me the chords as well. Slightly high for me, vocally, but means I can have a five-minute break from work and enjoy it. I love playing the intro. And I like the fact that the dominant chord at the end is G6 rather than a straight G. (Nerd alert: I like adding sixths and diminished chords. Gives depth and texture to a piece.)

Wrote down the wrong time on the calendar for my blood test yesterday – whoops. Turned up an hour early, but the lovely receptionist changed it to Thursday for me so I didn’t have to disrupt my morning and come back. I had arranged to be late to guitar, but the real appointment time was smack in the middle of my lesson and I’m busy the rest of the week so I couldn’t rearrange. Um, I guess that was rescheduling and involves needles, so perhaps it doesn’t count as ‘nice’.

OK. Second nice thing to happen was an unexpected delivery of an early birthday pressie. (Books. Of course. My close friends know me and my tastes very well, so I have some huge pleasure to come there. Waving to a certain lovely person further north.)

Third nice thing? Finished the gelati book revisions last night. Final, final, FINAL readthrough and tinker this morning, plus note to lovely ed so she knows what I’ve done. Now to keep fingers, toes and everything else crossed that she likes it and I don’t get huge second revs.

Plans for today; well, as no Luxor = no book set in Luxor (that’s why it was a research trip), I need to come up with a replacement idea. Given that the theme was one the eds say they want to ease back on anyway, a new outline and a new setting will be fun and also broaden things out for me a tad. So today is a day to play with ideas. (And maybe do a little research into hotels in Rome. Replacement research trip.) Yeah, I know, I should be tidying my bearpit office. Can’t quite face that. Might see if Little Miss Tidy (this is one of the things where she definitely isn’t a mini-me, LOL) is up for helping me at the weekend...


Jo Gilliver said...

Hi Kate. I assume you're talking about the Dire Straits Romeo and Juliet, since you're listening to Mr Knopfler. That is one of my favourite songs. I'm not even a Dire Straits fan really, but I've loved that song ever since I was a kid. I guess I love songs that tell stories. Jo

Kate Hardy said...

Hi Jo - yep, that's the one. Gorgeous, isn't it?

With you on songs telling stories. That's why I'm starting to listen to country music a bit more. (This is also Biddy Coady's fault...!)