Thursday, February 26, 2009


Current work: Revisions
Listening to: Travis and The Calling
Reading: next on TBR pile

Having a slight sulk here as I was hoping to see Comet Lulin this week. But we’ve had cloudy skies, so the chance of seeing a green blur of 5.2 magnitude (i.e. bright enough to see it with the naked eye, though not as good as Hale-Bopp was back in 1997) is zero. Mutter, mutter.

Anyway. Time for distraction.

Ever wanted a quick way to find out what your book’s really about? Go here and you can find out – because it generates a word-cloud, which picks out the words you use most frequently. The bigger the word, the more often you use it.

A procrastination device? Actually, no. It can show you themes. For example, the three biggest words from a wordle based on my blog for this month are ‘read’, ‘reading’ and ‘book’. Not surprising for an author’s blog. And when I put in the text for Gio, it came up with ‘work’ and ‘family’ – yup, those were two of the big themes, i.e. how to balance them.

It can also show you words that you use way too much. I did it for my Norway book. As I expected, my hero and heroine’s names are prominent. But so were a couple of words I didn’t expect (and I need to do a search-and-replace to see where I can remove a few of them). (All right. The word ‘just’ was a biggie – just (!!) as it was in Breakfast at Giovanni’s, and my new Sheikh. Incidentally, so were words to do with sight and touch. This confirms my theory that romance novels contain a lot of hand-and-eye stuff, because they’re describing courtship – which involves hand-and-eye stuff, yes?)

So your mission for today, should you choose to accept it: go play on Wordle, then come back here and tell me what you learned about your WIP or your blog. (A link to a post on your blog is fine. An enquiring mind (aka Kate Nosey) needs regular breaks from hard graft.)

Plan for today: guitar lesson (moved from Tuesday because I had intended to make huge cuts on the book) and then back to revisions. The more I think I’ve cracked it, the more I seem to cut: as of last night, I had 7,652 new words. (And there are more to come.) I need a time machine...

Edit: I almost forgot! (Mixture of the fact that I'm on deadline and therefore a different planet, and there's a time difference involved...) I'm blogging over at The Writing Playground today. Books are up for grabs. Come over and say hello!


Michelle Styles said...

I can remember seeing the Halley Bopp...skiies have been cloudy here.

Wordle is interesting. It is good to put the text in and see what the latest ms is about.

Anonymous said...

Wordle is great - I just put the URL for my blog in and got this:
I need to stop using 'went'! Good fun - thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Oh, now this I like!!

I put my Orlando and Rachel ms in and got lots of body parts-- hands, eyes, skin, fingers, hair, as well as 'dark', which I suppose is understandable. But 'back'-- that was a surprise to me, and I'm another one who uses 'just' a lot, apparently!

Am off to put my blog into it now, because it's not as if I have a deadline or anything....(!)

Unknown said...

Hilarious. TIME is by far the biggest word, followed by kissing, sexy and Kate!!

Kate Hardy said...

Michelle - isn't it just? (And boo on the cloudy skies.)

Kate Hardy said...

Katie - lovely cloud :o) Thought you'd enjoy that one! (Now, is the word 'wedding' going to start taking over?)

Kate Hardy said...

India - sorry, hon, I shouldn't give you distractions when you are meant to be BICHOK. (I'm holding off on the YouTube links...)

And your blog one is hilarious. Snort.

(This is all the fault of Dinosaur Comics. Actually, I'm fairly sure Michelle has mentioned Wordle to me before, but I happened to come across it yesterday and... right. Back to my revisions. Do not look up today's DC episode. Do not. Do...)

Kate Hardy said...

Worse. I just put my revision letter through. What did I get? "Relationship tension just might make story."


In other words, needs more emotional conflict. (But phrase above was tactful editor wording.)

See, this *wasn't* just playing...

Lucy King said...

That wordle thing is fabulous! I'm addicted. My most recent ms threw up a preponderance of body parts and 'just' too. As well as nodded, thought, smiled and looked. Agh.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Worlde!! That is really fantastic and beautiful. I'm going to blog about it later, so thank you.

I did my wip, and aside from "like" (which tells me that I need to edit), the largest word by far was "Miranda". Now this is interesting, because Miranda is not a real person; she's the character the heroine plays on TV. The heroine's name hardly even appears (I'm writing in first person). This really does show me some stuff about how the heroine feels about her identity. Niiiiiiiice.

I did the first 100 pages of Girl from Mars, and interestingly, the heroine's friends' names are huge, and the hero's name very small, in the corner. Which shows me I got the balance I was aiming for about right in the first quarter of the book.

Excellent! But I must use "like" less often...