Thursday, April 30, 2009


Current work: outlines and plotting; and revisions for Med
Listening to: Madeleine Peyroux (lovely DH bought me the new album yesterday)
Reading: next on TBR pile

Thanks to everyone who responded yesterday, either here or through email. Lots of great ideas for names for my posh (am toying with making him titled…) and very English hero. I’m going to let them sift through my subconscious today and will come up with a result while I’m working on my revisions.

People in the romance-writing world really ARE the best. Your help has been much appreciated!

Was very nice to wake up this morning without my left eye being gummed together. Still red, but not as gritty and sore: the two-hourly doses of chloramphenicol and turning the brightness down on my monitor are really helping.

Not visiting Dad today because conjunctivitis is very infectious and I don’t want to spread it (or my cold/cough) to vulnerable elderly people. (It’s called being responsible, but he doesn’t see it that way…)

Plan for today: revisions, letting the new MH simmer, and scribbling down notes for the book that appeared in my head this morning - which might be a stretch too far for my editor, but it's delicious and... Dear ed, I know you're not reading this because you're off to the literary festival in Hexham. I have not gone mad. Honestly. Well, not completely...


Lorix said...

Hope the lurgy disappears before the weekend. Just wanted to add Ptolemy and Riley to your overwhelming list of names - though I'm sure he's stopped mis-behaving and introduced himself by now!

Kate Hardy said...

Lori - many thanks! The chloramphenicol is definitely helping.

You have a lovely weekend, too!