Current work: Venice book
Listening to: Vivaldi and Bach
Reading: next on TBR
Finally the new covers are up on Amazon! I’m very pleased with the one for Red Wine and Her Sexy Ex; just as I’d hoped, it has the Eiffel Tower, which is a big clue that it’s set in Paris.
Finally the new covers are up on Amazon! I’m very pleased with the one for Red Wine and Her Sexy Ex; just as I’d hoped, it has the Eiffel Tower, which is a big clue that it’s set in Paris.

But the cover I’m really thrilled with is that of the perfume book, Champagne with a Celebrity, which is out in October (well, it’s out mid-September, but the official publication date is October).
This is the first new-style Modern Heat cover, and I’m so excited about it – I think it’s really evocative. And (at risk of sounding completely narcissistic, but writers will know what I mean about this) it's a huge thrill to have my name larger than the title on a UK edition. Yippee!

Plan for today: guitar lesson, visit Dad, write more of book, ice ankle (did something to it at the weekend and that is NOT good timing, either for the RNA conf this weekend where I will have to wear posh shoes on Saturday night, or for Sorrento, where I am planning to do a fair bit of walking - am hoping that ice and elevation, plus wearing supportive trainers all week instead of scuffing around in flats, will fix it in time)
LOVE the new style Modern Heat cover - and yes, totally evocative and much more mainstream.
Many congrats on that.
Hugs on the ankle. Took a look at the map for the RNA Conf last night and there is a longish walk between halls of residence and the dinner venue.
Um. Might be rethinking size of evening bag - now need something large enough to carry heels in!
Have a great day in the sun.
Gorgeous covers, Kate! No wonder you're happy with them :) Can't wait to see the Venice book's cover. Gondola's, Piazza San Marco...
Awesome covers. I agree the second one looks great with your name larger than the the title. Like the pic too,
That sneaky view of ET is a great clue to content!
As for the other, Who's Kate Walker? ;) Seriously, you must be dead chuffed!
Just testing... because email told me I had comments from Nina and Francine and yet they're not showing up here.
Thanks anyway, Nina and Francine!
Hi It's a lovely cover Kate, all summery and fresh and I can almost taste that champagne. Hope you're having a glass to celebrate. It's nice they've made the author's name more prominent, after all that hard work to produce your novel. I'm sure your foot will feel better come the conference and hopefully it won't be too far to walk from DLR station to plenary room to the pub!
Love that new cover, Kate!
Hugs on the ankle Kate - hope it's better for the conference. The new covers are fab aren't they? As a reader I do like to see the name of the author so it is nice that they have put your name in "lights" so to speak. Well done and well deserved IMHO. Caroline x
The Eiffel Tower is in Paris?
I LOVE the fact that your name is so huge on the UK edition. Woop-woop!
It looks lovely, and that deep azure blue is just delicious.
Great, comments are back up!
Nina - the new covers for all the lines are fab :)
I think it's only about 500 yards between the halls and the Trafalgar. Going to be great! Look forward to seeing you on Friday.
Serena - thank you!
Me, too. I would really, really like San Marco there. And masks. (I really, really hope my working title makes it for this book!)
Linda - thanks :)
I know it was narcissistic, but it kind of makes me feel that I've arrived - that years and years of hard work have finally paid off.
Francine - someone MUCH more well-known than me? ;)
And I'm pleased the tower is there as it has a role in the book!
Cara - what a great idea. Champagne...
My foot's on the mend, thanks, after being iced. And I'm sure I can make it to the bar...
Liz - thank you :)
Caroline - thank you, it seems to be on the mend. And thanks for the compliment :)
Jane - I'll find out if daughter talks me into taking her there for her birthday ;)
(She's told her dad she wants it to be a girly weekend. DH wants to know how many Radley stockists are in Paris. He doesn't seem to trust us...)
I love the new covers and how unique your titles are! The Modern Heat designs do look fabulous.
Lacey - thank you :) I'm just thrilled with them.
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