Monday, October 26, 2009

half term and peacocks

Current work: Modern Heat
Listening to: Beethoven piano sonatas
Reading: Trisha Ashley, Sowing Secrets (enjoyed this thoroughly – very witty, great characterisation, and an excellent feelgood read)

Busy week lined up – London tomorrow, bowling and friends round for dinner/birthday cake on Friday, family party on Sunday for the birthday girl, and in between I need to clean the oven, nag DH about either painting the living room and then putting the stuff back, or just putting the stuff back temporarily because I am tired of everything being out of order.

Not to mention finishing the book.

Both kids are in bouncy mode. At the end of half term, littlest got her swimming certificate, eldest got a certificate for his 12th kyu with a red belt (some martial arts thing he was doing at school), and littlest discovered that her two best friends are both able to come to tea on her birthday. (Well, late birthday. The family party’s on her actual birthday and we have an Inset (teacher training) day on Monday, so Tuesday is the first possible time.)

I have promised them a cinema trip today: ‘Up’, in 3D. And then it’s lunch out, running errands and a chilling-out afternoon (for them – j'écrirai mon roman).

Was nice to see Dad on Friday. Hopefully he’ll be well enough to come to littlest’s party, but if not I’ve promised a doggy bag. Also a nice view on the way to Dad’s – just by the village green in East Tuddenham. The second one I think looks particularly proud... (and what a glorious colour!)

1 comment:

Lacey Devlin said...

Congrats to your littlest and eldest!

Oh I love peacocks!